So months of scrambling around and getting nowhere I go to get yet another pregnancy test... I found out then that my Medicaid was still active, and had never been turned off like I'd been told it would...
I was livid... Months of waiting and worrying and jumping through hoops and my medicaid was still active?! 'You HAVE GOT to be kidding me right? I'm almost 4 months pregnant and NOW they tell me that my damn medicaid is still on?!
I spent weeks and months of trying to get medicaid or Wishard Advantage or some type of assistance to help me make sure my child was ok to no avail, and then I find this out...
By that time it was already too late... But I didn't know it yet. I got my pregnancy confirmed by Wishard and was given my due date. February 14th, 2014, me and Matt's one year anniversary... Our baby would be due on our anniversary. I was excited but nervous for some reason... I constantly expressed my worry and fear to Matt, who reassured me everything was fine, and that so was our child...
And I believed him. I believed Matt... He had no reason to lie... And so far Christopher was doing just fine... But of course, I didn't have any clue that Christopher was even Christopher yet... It wasn't yet time to know... It wasn't yet time for him to go...
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